A.C.E. 王牌实习生
发布于 2024-05-22
薪资: 面议 地点: 上海

经验: 不限 类型: 实习


INTRODUCTION:WHO YOU ARE: Tell us about yourself, WHERE IS YOUR ROOT: Explore your city and its heritage.

INSPIRATION:COMMUNITY: What you and your community stands for. HEROES AND INSPIRATIONS: Who are your heroes \ What are your inspirations. #3STRIPESLIFE: How do 3 stripes Inspire you.

ASPIRATION:THE NEXT BIG THING: Create from your personal taste and influence / Express your creativity through any media or product.

THE WORK & DELIVERABLES:A TWO-MINUTE VIDEO: Introduce yoursolf and your motivation for this project. WRITTEN PROJECT SUMMARY: A brief summary 100-200 words. EXPRESS YOUR CREATIVITY. Express with physical products, design drawings, video edits or any visual inputs. Choice of mood, materials, colors, trims, style coordinations, etc. Relevant imagery research to support your creation. Open to apparel or footwear. Presentation showcase focus on how it inspires your design.

